Sunday, October 30, 2016

Design E6


Sooo, the red was chosen because it's the first color you think of when I say Youtube. In other words, it's just to represent that the Vexillographer Channel is part of Youtube, and what better way to represent that with the colors of the logo. On the center's the symbol which I made up; it's a triangle enclosed by a pentagon. The triangle is to represent you, the creator and producer of the channel (and also because it's the common symbol associated with Youtube) , while the pentagon is to represent the audience which supports you. I also chose a pentagon since it has 5 points: one for each continent since this channel is about connecting all cultures with something we all have in common: Flags. The continents are: America, Asia, Africa, Europe and Oceania (sorry Antarctica, I'm not counting you).

Designed by Lara

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