Sunday, October 30, 2016

Design A5


I named it "The Square Of Vexilology". It is called so because vexillology is the topic of your channel, and because It is a perfect square.

It has a ratio of 1:1 so it can fit perfectly as a profile picture.

In the middle of the flag, lies an orange sheet bend. A big symbol in vexillology. The bottom left and the bottom right corners of the flag are each one covered with yellow rectangular isosceles triangles. The emblem of New Mexico is on each of the two triangles. The yellow color and the emblem represent the state of New Mexico also known as Peter's homeland. The triangles and the background make a "V" shape that stands for... you guessed it, vexillology. The background being blue does not have anything to do with the flag of IFVA, blue is my favorite color and I really wanted it to be part of this flag. On the flag there are five black five-pointed stars. Each star represents one of the five principles of good flag design. The star representing rule number four: "No lettering or seals" is in the middle because in my opinion it's the most important rule of all. The other four stars are all oriented towards the middle star. The black color stands for the fact that these rules must be followed. (I know that there are great exceptions).

Designed by Darin

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